The Ambazonia Parliament is the Country’s democratically elected legislature. The Parliament consists of one elected chamber. Its three main functions are to:

  • Examine proposals for new laws
  • Scrutinise Government policy
  • Scrutinise Government administration
  • Debate major issues of the day

The founding principles of the parliament are liberty, pluralism, accountability, inclusiveness, openness and the representation of all People in Ambazonia.

  • Legislation
  • Structure of the Ambazonia Parliament which ensures broad representation
  • Parliamentary Elections
  • Powers of the Parliament
  • Members of the Ambazonia Parliament
  • Committees of the Ambazonia Parliament


The Ambazonia Parliament is working on passing several landmark pieces of legislation on the ongoing war launched by its neighbour, Republic of Cameroon (La Republic du Cameroun), Citizenship issues, border disputes with Republic of Cameroon, funding the integral defence of the State, Oil and Gas investments, counter terrorism laws, national reconstruction and regeneration of towns and cities, environmental protection, youth projects, compensation of victims of war and wrongly convicted persons. For other laws and further information inquiries can be made to the Ambazonia Parliament.

Structure of Ambazonia’s Parliament which ensures broad representation

There are 17 seats in the Parliament. The Ambazonia Parliament is led by the Speaker, who is assisted in his duties by the Deputy Speaker.

In the nearest future several amendments will be made to the Ambazonian election law to increase the inclusiveness of all groups. The minimum age of parliamentary candidates is 25. The legal minimum quota of female Parliamentarians will be increased from by 5% of the legislature. Minority communities would be encouraged through laws to increase their participation in legislature.

Parliamentary Elections

Elections for the Ambazonia Parliament are held at least every four calendar years. Anyone aged 16 or over who is a citizen of Ambazonia and is on the electoral register is eligible to vote in a direct, universal and secret ballot.

Powers of the Parliament

As provided in the National Constitution, parliament has considerable power to debate and legislate on policy in a wide range of areas: health services, education and training, policing and security, the environment, natural resources, agriculture, housing, trade, industry and investment, social services and social affairs, transport and roads, culture and tourism, sport and leisure, impact of colonisation and neo colonisation, and ancient monuments and historic buildings.

Members of the Ambazonian Parliament

The 17 MPs in Ambazonia’s Parliament are representative of the people of the 17 different counties and their political affiliations, victims and veterans of the war of independence, disabled citizens, Religious groups (Christians and Islamic) and minority groups.

Committees of the Ambazonia Parliament

The Ambazonia Parliament has a number of standing committees that work on the following areas:

  • Legal affairs
  • Agriculture and irrigation
  • Finance and economic affairs
  • Health and environment
  • Construction, housing and rural development
  • Endowments and religious affairs
  • Human rights
  • Municipalities, transport, communication and tourism
  • Civil society affairs
  • Youth and sports 
  • Interior, security and provincial councils
  • General and higher education and scientific research
  • Women’s rights
  • Family, children and social affairs
  • Relations, culture, media and heritage
  • Victims of the war of independence
  • Industry, energy and natural resources
  • Workers’ rights and Protection
  • Integrity
  • Parliamentary affairs