The Former Southern British Cameroons is a West African country also known as Ambazonia. The latter is derived from the Ambas Bay. The country is home to numerous different linguistic groups. The languages of Ambazonia are discussed below.
The Former Southern British Cameroons is a West African country, is also known as Ambazonia. The latter is derived from the Ambas Bay. The country is home to numerous different linguistic groups. The languages of Ambazonia are discussed below.
Official language
Between 1916 and 1961, Ambazonia served as the colony of the United Kingdom. Though the nation is now an independent one, the legacy of the colonial past of Ambazonia is visible in its selection of the official language. English is the official language of Ambazonia.
National languages
Ambazonia has an incredible linguistic diversity visible as you travel across the Southern and Northern Regions of the country. A good number of native Ambazonian languages have alphabets and writing systems. All of these may need further development. The Government of Ambazonia intends to promote projects aimed at enhancing our systems.
Lingua Franca in Ambazonia
Ambazonia pidgin English is the main lingua franca in the country. This Government intends to develop this into a National and Official Language in due course.
Sign Languages In Ambazonia
The American Sign Language that was introduced in the Former Southern British Cameroons (Ambazonia) by the deaf missionary, Andrew Foster, serves as the sign language in Ambazonia for now.